Can I Sue My Dentist for Failing to Diagnose My Issue Timely?


Diagnosis is the first step of any treatment. If the diagnosis is wrong, then the treatment will also be wrong, and nothing good will come out of it. Sometimes, if the diagnosis is made late or confirmed after the wrong treatment, the damage can also be very great. Hence, it is considered dental malpractice.

There are many cases of dental malpractice related to misdiagnosis. Here are some examples:

The dentist did not ask you for details about your symptoms, resulting in a wrong diagnosis.

The dentist did not perform the X-ray properly and failed to locate the issue.

The dentist diagnosed the wrong tooth and performed the procedure on that tooth, which may or may not has led to the unnecessary extraction of a healthy tooth.

The dentist did not look into your previous medical history, which may have been a significant cause of your dental issue. As a result, they failed to make a connection between the two.

The dentist deliberately gave you the wrong diagnosis to prolong the procedure so that they could charge you more.

The dentist prescribed the wrong medicines, which did not relieve your symptoms or make them worse.

While all of these sound like mere mistakes on the dentist’s part, they can be disastrous to the patient. OC dental malpractice attorney Dane Levy says there are many cases in which the patient loses multiple teeth or has allergic reactions to the wrong medicines. Hence, you have the right to sue your dentist over misdiagnosis.

However, it is best to consult with a lawyer first about your case, just to be sure. California dental malpractice attorney Dane Levy, the founder of the Levy Law Firm, provides service throughout the state. His years of experience and successful history will surely prove to be helpful for you.