How to start exercising and stick with It

There are so many reasons why people exercise from improving their energy, mood, sleep, to reducing anxiety, stress, and depression. However, although the internet is full of workout plans that can be used both at a gym, outdoors or at home, most people find it difficult to exercise or stick to a workout plan. Here are some tips to help you exercise and stick with a workout plan.

What’s holding you back? – Identify why you are putting off exercise. It could be the lack of time or confidence, or maybe you feel that exercise is too challenging. Remember that often starting and sticking to a workout plan is more mental than physical. Avoid an all or nothing mentality and look at adding just ten minutes of exercise a day to help you build your confidence. It is also important to lower your expectations and avoid being obsessed with results and instead focus on consistency.

Avoid excuses – excuses like you hate exercising or that you are too busy will mean that your work out will never get done. Look at planning your workout the night before so that you will have no excuses to avoid it. Start off by waking up fifteen minutes in advance and keep all workout clothes and shoes ready the day before.

How long should I work out – You should aim for at least 150 minutes a week of moderate activity. But it may be difficult to allocate this much time when you start, therefore look at including fifteen minutes a day for at least five days a week.